Leighnor Aircraft LLC Rental Fleet - Prescott, AZ

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N7027F Cessna C-162 Skycatcher
N7027F Cessna C-162 Skycatcher

Cessna C-162 Skycatcher N7027F


N7027F is a 2011 Cessna Skycatcher, serial number 16200078. The aircraft is powered by a normally aspirated Continental O-200-D engine of 100 HP. A Skycatcher is a Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) and may be flown with a Sport Pilot Certificate as a minimum requirement.

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Cessna C-162 Skycatcher N60594


N60594 is a 2012 Cessna Skycatcher, serial number 16200212. The aircraft is powered by a normally aspirated Continental O-200-D engine of 100 hp. A Skycatcher is a Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) and may be flown with a Sport Pilot Certificate as a minimum requirement.

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N836AM Aeroprakt A22LS
N836AM Aeroprakt A22LS

Aeroprakt A22LS Foxbat N836AM


N836AM is a 2017 Aeroprakt A22LS, serial number 285. The aircraft is powered by a normally aspirated Rotax 912ULS engine of 100 HP. An A22LS is a Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) and may be flown with a Sport Pilot Certificate as a minimum requirement.

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N35581 Cessna C-172I Skyhawk

Cessna C-172I Skyhawk N35581


N35581 is a 1968 Cessna C-172I, serial number 17256848. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming O-360 engine of 180 HP. This aircraft is IFR rated with a Garmin 175 GPS. This aircraft has an 1100 plus pound useful load.

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N35628 Cessna C-172I Skyhawk
N35628 Cessna C-172I Skyhawk

Cessna C-172I Skyhawk N35628


N35628 is a 1968 Cessna C-172I, serial number 17256873. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming O-320 engine of 150 HP. This aircraft is VFR only with one nav/com and a second radio with a Stratus transponder providing ADS-B In/Out via Wi-Fi connections to tablet devices.

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N6282D Cessna C-172N Skyhawk II
N6282D Cessna C-172N Skyhawk II

Cessna C-172N Skyhawk II N6282D


N6282D is a 1979 Cessna C-172N, serial number 17272689. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming IO-320-H2AD engine of 160 HP. This aircraft is IFR certified and is a steam gauge aircraft with a brand new avionics stack installed.

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N402ER Cessna C-172R Skyhawk
N402ER Cessna C-172R Skyhawk

Cessna C-172R Skyhawk N402ER


N402ER is a 1997 Cessna C-172R, serial number 17280242. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming IO-360 engine of 180 HP. This aircraft is IFR certified and is a steam gauge aircraft with a brand new avionics stack installed.

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N239K Cessna 172S Skyhawk
N239K Cessna 172S Skyhawk

Cessna C-172S Skyhawk N239K


N239K is a 2022 Cessna C-172S, serial number 172S-12829. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming IO-360-L2A engine of 180 HP. This aircraft is IFR certified and is a G1000 NXI Nav III panel with electronic backup instrumentation.

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N249K Cessna 172S Skyhawk
N249K Cessna 172S Skyhawk

Cessna C-172S Skyhawk N249K


N249K is a 2022 Cessna C-172S, serial number 172S-12830. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming IO-360-L2A engine of 180 HP. This aircraft is IFR certified and is a G1000 NXI Nav III panel with electronic backup instrumentation.

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N85FF Cessna 172S Skyhawk
N85FF Cessna 172S Skyhawk

Cessna C-172S Skyhawk N85FF


N85FF is a 2023 Cessna C-172S, serial number 172S-12949. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming IO-360-L2A engine of 180 HP. This aircraft is IFR certified and is a G1000 NXI Nav III panel with electronic backup instrumentation.

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N4240T Piper PA-28-180

Piper PA-28-180 N4240T


N4240T is a 1972 Piper PA-28-180, serial number 28-7205112. The aircraft is powered by a Lycoming O-360-A4A engine of 180 HP.  This aircraft is IFR certified and is a steam gauge aircraft. The GPS is not IFR certified.

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N92428 Cessna C-182N Skylane
N92428 Cessna C-182N Skylane

Cessna C-182N Skylane N92428


N92428 is a 1970 Cessna C-182N, serial number 18260201 and is the premier instrument airplane in the fleet. Our 182 is powered by a normally aspirated Continental O-470 engine rated at 230 HP. She cruises around at 135 knots! When you complete your rental checkout or flight instruction in this aircraft, you earn your High Performance endorsement!  Rental of the aircraft requires a rental checkout flight, High Performance Endorsement and a Private Pilot Certificate.

This aircraft has new interior and top of the line Avidyne IFD avionics, autopilot and dual Garmin G5 electronic flight instruments.

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If you're ready to get started flying, then visit our Getting Started page. This page will provide links to Flight Schedule Pro to sign up for your free account in addition to the link to an online form to apply for rental privileges. 


Our Frequently Asked Questions page has a lot of answers to commonly asked questions about renting an aircraft.


Our current insurance deductibles for any accident are:

  • Not in motion - $2,500
  • In motion - $5,000

Leighnor Aircraft LLC requires pilots to carry renter's insurance with at least a $5,000 coverage for physical damage to non-owned aircraft.  Visit our rental insurance page to learn more.