Leighnor Aircraft LLC Rental Fleet - Cottonwood, AZ

N448SM A32 Vixxen
N448SM A32 Vixxen

Aeroprakt A32 Vixxen N448SM


N448SM is a 2024 Aeroprakt A32, serial number 306. The aircraft is powered by a fuel injected Rotax 912iS Sport engine of 100 HP. It also has a drag reduction package that increases the cruise airspeed versus the A22. An A32 is a Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) and may be flown with a Sport Pilot Certificate as a minimum requirement.

ADS-B: In/Out

Location: This aircraft is parked at the Cottonwood ramp in shade parking spot #3.

Rate Information


We're here to help you get flying! Feel free to contact us and we'll answer any question you may have about our process, our aircraft and how we do business.

Ready to Fly?

If you're ready to get started flying, then visit our Getting Started page. This page will provide links to Flight Schedule Pro to sign up for your free account in addition to the link to an online form to apply for rental privileges. 


Our Frequently Asked Questions page has a lot of answers to commonly asked questions about renting an aircraft.


Our current insurance deductibles for any accident are:

  • Not in motion - $2,500
  • In motion - $5,000

Leighnor Aircraft LLC requires pilots to carry renter's insurance with at least a $5,000 coverage for physical damage to non-owned aircraft.  Visit our rental insurance page to learn more.