How do I learn to fly?
This page is the starting point on your journey to become a pilot and what you have to do in order to start flying lessons with a Leighnor Aircraft LLC approved flight instructor. The first question you need to be able to answer is whether or not aviation is a career choice or you're becoming a pilot for a non-career reason. If you don't know and you're thinking about learning to fly, then we recommend you take a Discovery Flight. A Discovery Flight is like a mini flying lesson and will put you behind the controls of an airplane.
If your aviation interest is more hobby-based, talk to your the front desk about the Sport Pilot certificate, which may be more affordable. Our team can fill you in on the requirements and pros and cons of each type of pilot's certificate.

Register for your free Flight Schedule Pro account
We use the web app Flight Schedule Pro to manage our aircraft.
Review and Sign the Aircraft Rental Agreement
You acknowledge our rental agreement rules by submitting this form. We must have this form on file before any flight in our aircraft.
Acquire Aircraft Renters' Insurance
Leighnor Aircraft LLC requires aircraft renters' insurance with at least $5,000 coverage for damage to non-owned aircraft.
Contact the Leighnor Office
Unless you already have a Leighnor Instructor, you need to contact the Front Desk to get setup with an instructor. They will then schedule an aircraft checkout or get you started with flying lessons.
Complete the Rental Application Form
You submit the rental application form to populate your Flight Schedule Pro account. You must submit this form before solo flight is allowed in any aircraft.
Request Prescott Airport Gate Codes
If you are flying at Prescott, you need to submit this form to get access to the flight line.
Resources for Student Pilots
The Pilot Institute
A local Prescott company that provides a great online training course to prepare student pilots for their written exam.
Sporty's Online Ground School
Leighnor Aircraft is a certified dealer of Sporty's Pilot Shop supplies. Their online ground school will save you money and prepare you for the FAA knowledge test.