Online Aircraft Rental Application Form


Before filling out this form, have you set up your free Flight Schedule Pro account? If you have not done the Flight Schedule Pro account setup, please stop and set that account up first. Click HERE to set up your free Flight Schedule Pro account.

Use the form on this page to fill out the Leighnor Aircraft LLC Rental Application Form. The submitted information will be reviewed  and used to fully populate your free Flight Schedule Pro account, which is the online tool used to schedule and bill our rental aircraft.

If you are a minor under the age of 18, please have a parent or legal guardian fill out this consent form: Parental Consent Form

Form Instructions:

This form requires a lot of information and has the ability to save and resume your work later if you need to collect information. There is a link next to the submit button at the bottom of the page that will allow you to save your work.

We require digital copies of certain information. What you will need to have on hand before starting this form:

  • A photo id of some sort (Driver's License, Passport, etc.)
  • Your Pilot's License
  • Your Medical Certificate, or if BasicMed, your Driver's License and BasicMed course completion certificate

Please have digital copies of this information readily available before starting this form as these documents are required uploads. The file types supported for the upload are JPG, JPEG and PDF.

Applicant's full name

Primary Airport and US Citizenship

The primary airport is the default airport you will see in Flight Schedule Pro. We are also required to ascertain US citizenship status as non citizens are required to get TSA approval prior to undertaking any kind of flight training.
Select the primary location where you will rent Leighnor Aircraft airplanes. All applicants may rent from all locations, this selection is to set your default airport in our scheduling software.

>>> For Prescott Airport, you must also request a security gate code. Please click HERE which will open a new window and complete the access request after submitting this form.

If you are seeking an initial Certificate (Private, Recreational, Sport) or an Instrument Rating TSA requires verification of citizenship.

Photo ID

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a copy of your photo ID. Extensions allowed are JPG, JPEG or PDF.

Flight Medical Certification Information

Please select the type of medical certification you are using to exercise airmen privileges
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a copy of your Airman's Medical Certificate. Valid file extensions are JPG, JPEG and PDF.

Pilot Certificate Information

Enter your pilot's certificate number - if you do not have a certificate number yet, enter the word student
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a copy of your Pilot's Certificate. Valid file extensions are JPG, JPEG and PDF.
Only enter this date if you hold a valid pilot's certificate
Please select all valid certificates and ratings that you hold

Flight and Driver's History Information

Select YES if you have ever been pilot-in-command in an aircraft accident
Select YES if you've ever received a penalty from the FAA for violation of FARs
Answer YES if you've ever been cited for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Answer YES if you've been involved in an at-fault auto accident or cited for a moving violation within the last 5 years
Actual or simulated instrument time

Rental Application Form Signature and Submission

Clear Signature
I have completed this application truthfully.

Providing false information in the rental application is grounds for immediate termination of rental privileges.
Please provide the name of the person signing this agreement
Before you submit your application, can you tell us how you found out about Leighnor Aircraft?
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